


Transform LIVES

& Add An Extra 7-Figures To Your Business

Want Me To Show You How My Clients and I Have
Generated Over $50M With 3 Simple Event Models ?

Schedule A Call & I’ll Help You Lay Out a Plan For
Which Is The Best Model To Use For Your Next Event

We Are Transitioning From
The Attention Economy to

The Loyalty Economy

It’s no secret that the marketplace is more saturated than ever…

With the rise of AI, it’s never been easier to create & distribute content.

It’s harder, and more expensive than ever, to make paid traffic work.

Even if you manage to capture attention, it’s impossible to keep it.

Your clients are seeing hundreds of messages and offers every day.

It’s no longer enough to just capture attention – you need to create loyalty

If you want to thrive in 2024 and beyond, you need a proven strategy
to turn attention into life-long customer loyalty for your brand.

The #1 best way to create life-long customer loyalty is to create
world-class experiences in-person for your highest caliber clients.

Yet, over the last 10 years, most experts, coaches, consultants & agency owners have been busy trying to figure out how to sell high-ticket offers over the phone for $5,000 – $10,000

Constantly chasing the never-ending-cycle of MORE.

More leads. More sales. More launches. More team. More complexity.

Your time gets pulled in every direction and your business has become 
the #1 stressor in your life.

Meanwhile, my clients and I have been hosting incredibly fun & fulfilling intimate live-events while quietly enrolling 10-50 clients at a time into our Ultra-Premium Offers ranging from $25,000 – $100,000 by using my simple & proven 3-Day “World Class Events” Model.

Creating transformational experiences is the #1 way to add an additional 7-figures a year to your business , while creating a community of long-term clients that’ll set you up to thrive in “The Loyalty Economy”  

The World’s First  “Music Festival Mastermind” That Blends Biohacking, Business & Breakthroughs 


Lead World-Class Experiences That Transform Lives, Add An Extra 7-Figures To Your Business, and Create A Loyal Community of Raving Fans

Unlock Clarity & Focus In 15 Minutes Per Day. Get Guidance From Your Future Self On Your Next Big Move 



For 14 years and counting, Alex J Moscow is known for showing his clients how to sell and deliver on ultra-high end coaching packages ($100k+) as well as walk away with 7 figures in profit from their live events and retreats.  

His focus on delivering world-class experiences for high-level client groups has helped his clients maximize their LTV by 3-10X+

He’s spoken at organizations including EO, Tiger 21, Rythmia Life Advancement Center, and many others and has been featured in Forbes and Entrepreneur.com.  

Alex and his wife Jennifer Hudye-Moscow co-created The Vision Amplifier Experience which utilizes guided breathwork, science-based visualization, and music DJ’d live.  It was specifically designed to help leaders tap into a vision state where they unlock greater clarity, focus, creativity, and possibility to create their future.

He also runs an annual event – Abundance Amplifier, 
which is the world’s first Music Festival Mastermind 
that immerses high caliber entrepreneurs, executives, 
& creators in the latest biohacking & transformational technologies. 

Alex helped me
launch a new $100k mastermind and fill
the first 9 spots.

He has mastery with attracting, enrolling,
and serving that
type of client.

Dave Asprey
Founder of Bulletproof
Coffee & The Biohacking


Alex helped me design a 60-minute online training that enrolled 18 out of 20 people into a new $30,000 offer.  He then worked with me on leading live events where I put 60-80 attendees in a room and consistently walk away with $500,000+

I’ve paid Alex
over $500,000

Jess Lenouvel
Owner of The Listings Lab

I ran 1 event before working with Alex and
it COST me money. Within my first 7 months of using his event strategies,
I generated
in sales.

Andrew Kroeze
Tribe of Buyers

Alex’s Integrity and
care for his clients is
worked with me on my
first event and helped
me walk away with
$1.1M with only
100 people in

Alok Appadurai

Founder of Uplift Millions

Want My Personal Help With Your Event?

Working with me one on one will give you an unfair advantage with your next event

Fair Warning: This Is Expensive and Only for the Select Few.

Over the last 14 years, I’ve worked with the top experts and coaches to add an additional 7-figures to their bottom line. The results range from:

  • Running their first event with 100 people and making $1.1M in 3 days
  • Upgrading an offer to attract the top 3% of their audience and closing $250k in full.
  • Crafting a single social media post that generates over $100k without a sales call
  • Hosting a one-day workshop with 18 attendees and walking away with $105,000
  • Making $600k working 60 hours per week to $1.3M working 35 hours one year later

Every one of them will tell you I’ve helped them make a fortune—without a single exception. They’ll also tell you that they massively grew in their leadership and it upleveled every area of their life.

I don’t work with anyone who isn’t willing to do the inner work to BECOME the version of themselves who leads life-changing, wildly profitable events.

Results don’t take time; they take courage.

Click the link to apply.



Dave Asprey

Danger Coffee and 40 Years of Zen

Annie Lalla

Annie Lalla Love Coaching

Yanik Silver

Maverick & Evolved Enterprise

Jesse Elder

TimePiercer Productions

Amber Spears

Four Rooms Mastermind

Jenna Phillips BALLARD

Ascension Leadership Academy




Vision Driven

Glen Ledwel

Fight Club Mastermind

Listen To My Most Recent DJ Sets

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Alex J Moscow